OpenSite Designer Help

HUD Menu

To view the Heads Up Display (HUD) menu in an active dgn select any element and hover cursor over the element. HUD menu is displayed.

HUD Menu

HUD menu list is as given below.

  • Properties - Review or modify information about a selected element(s), such as its type, attributes, and geometry.
  • Open Profile Model - Generates a View that presents a desired feature in profile thus enabling the Vertical Geometry tools to interact with the chosen feature.
  • New Corridor - Creates a corridor by defining a corridor name, identifying the baseline reference and profile, and specifying a design stage. After creating a corridor, the software advances automatically to the Create Template Drop tool.
  • Speed Tables - Set of stations that determine different speeds along the alignment.
  • Design Rules - Activates the civil rules.
  • Copy - Copies a selected element(s).
  • Report - Generates a report from selected civil horizontal geometry elements.
  • Zoom - Increases or decreases the view window's magnification.
  • Delete- Deletes the selected element.